Martin Goodson
Podcast: An Extract from The Lotus Sutra
The Sutra of Innumerable Means
'Skilful Means' is a central plank of a bodhisattva's training. In this extract the Buddha makes this skill central to realisation and enlightenment.

German half-hour sand glass, first quarter of the 16th century,
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The text used for this talk is taken from chapter 2: Dharma Preaching, - The Sutra of Innumerable Meanings which prefaces The Lotus Sutra tr. Gene Reeves pub. Wisdom 2008
In this podcast:
Time as a component of practice and spiritual development
Introduction to the role of skilful means in the bodhisattva training
The danger of taking Buddhist doctrines outside of the context of Wisdom & Compassion
The foundational nature of ‘emptiness’ in Mahayana understanding
How attachment to appearances leads to confusion and suffering
An Extract from The Lotus Sutra