Welcome to The Zen Gateway Community
Our 'local' online Dharma Group
A warm welcome to you all, whether you have been part of the community for a while or just decided to take the plunge. Depending on when you are reading this, we have just launched our online community to complement The Zen Gateway online resource and magazine.
Free for 30 days - then £7.50 per month, cancel anytime.
Online Dharma Courses
In-depth study and practice courses on the early and developed Buddhist teachings as well as all things Zen.

Live meditation sessions
Live Zazen meditation session, as well as pre-recorded zazen meditation sessions if you want to go it alone.

The Blog
Latest announcements for the 'extras' that we are going to be offering. These extras include tutorials to supplement the Dharma courses, one-off workshops plus the chance to talk to a teacher about your Zen practice, meditation practice etc.

Free for 30 days - then £7.50 per month, cancel anytime.