Martin Goodson
The Three Types of Zen Students
Gateway talks
We look at the three different classes of Zen students and why the teaching methods of the Zen masters can sometimes seem so bizarre.
In this talk Master Rinzai explains that he sorts the students who come to him into three sorts. This introduces us to the notion that is there in early Buddhism that the path is made up of stages. The Arhat path has five stages that go from the earliest stirrings of interest to Arhatship and the attainment of Nirvana. The Mahayana Path has the ‘One Way’ as explained in the Lotus Sutra that sees the earlier Arhat Path as the stage prior to the Bodhisattva Path to Full And Perfect Enlightenment.
In Zen too, the masters made distinctions in what is called ‘root ability’. What is required is for us to devote the training to fulfilling that potential that is already there. It does not matter if two people learning to play the piano one goes on to a career as a great concert pianist whilst the other becomes a music teacher in a school. In the Dharma, Rinzai explains, the Dharma is ‘equal and even’ in all things. In the above case both the concert pianist and the music teacher have fulfilled their path in the Dharma and will live fulfilling lives. So it is in the Zen Training. Hence the Zen Poem:
In the landscape of Spring,
There is neither better nor worse.
The flowering branches grow
Both long and short.