Audio Video Zen Bites #8: Working with the Emotional Household Zen Buddhism & Psychotherapy Jul 15, 2021 In this podcast Jamie & Martin discuss the necessity of working with the emotions, as a key to the transformation of the heart and laying down the delusion of 'I'. Your browser does not support the audio element. The Four Foundations of Mindful Awareness: Mindfulness of Dharmas Dharma Talks Jul 2, 2021 In this talk we look at the five hindrances and how they relate to the final foundation of mind, awareness of mind objects. Your browser does not support the audio element. The Four Foundations of Mindful Awareness: Mind Dharma Talks May 22, 2021 From the buddhist perspective mind includes more than just thinking. It is the place where all experience can be experienced. Your browser does not support the audio element. The Four Foundations of Mindfulness Awareness: Sensation A Dharma Talk Apr 21, 2021 Mindfulness of 'feeling' is key to habit formation. How do we undo unskilful habits and create more skilful behaviours in our lives? This podcast continues our series of talks on The Four Foundations of Mindful Awareness. Your browser does not support the audio element. The Four Foundations of Mindful Awareness: Body Gateway Talks Mar 26, 2021 A teaching that provides the foundation for Buddhist practice, as taught by the historical Buddha Gautuma. Introduction to The Four Foundations of Mindfulness Scripture Gateway Talks Feb 25, 2021 In this talk we examine the fundamentals of mindfulness Podcast: An Extract from The Lotus Sutra The Sutra of Innumerable Means Jan 21, 2021 'Skilful Means' is a central plank of a bodhisattva's training. In this extract the Buddha makes this skill central to realisation and enlightenment. Zen Bites #7: Walking Meditation Dec 15, 2020 How do we take the 'quiet spaciousness' off the meditation seat and into activity? Walking meditation is one gateway method to do this. Jamie and Martin also discuss the pilgrimage and its symbolic resonance as 'spiritual journey'. The Three Temptations of Māra A Rohatsu Week Talk Dec 9, 2020 The three temptations take place as the ascetic Gautama sits under the Bodhi Tree in his final attempt to see into the nature of reality and become free from suffering. Not to be confused with the notion of the 'devil', Māra is a deity from the Hindu pantheon who plays a dual role as tempter and tester for Zen Bites #6 Daily Life Practice Zen Buddhism & Psychotherapy Nov 25, 2020 In this discussion Jamie & Martin discuss the mechanics of daily life practice, the practice of meditation in the midst of our life activities. How does this tie into the more 'visible' practice of zazen (sitting meditation)? Your browser does not support the audio element. Zen Bites #5 The Compassionate Heart Nov 11, 2020 Therapeutic Mindfulness now includes specific practices around compassion. Jamie and Martin discuss the importance of this 'Divine Abode' as it is called in Buddhism as being intrinsic to the awakened heart. Your browser does not support the audio element. Podcast: Section from the Diamond Sutra The 32 Marks of Buddha Nov 5, 2020 The 32 mark were used as living symbols of Buddha and aligned to the creation of the 'practice body' of adherents to deliver beings out of delusion. The power of the Buddha made manifest through teachings, meditation, words and ritual practices. Previous Next 6 of 7 pages (There are 81 posts) Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Topics AUDIO COURSES BOOKS DAILY LIFE PRACTICE INTERVIEWS MEDITATION MINDFULNESS PEOPLE PSYCHOLOGY ZEN PRACTICE Donate The virtue of generosity, charity or giving. Your donations are welcomed. Learn more Dharma Centre Our online community to complement The Zen Gateway online resource and magazine. Visit Dharma Centre