Martin Goodson
Just Be Your Ordinary Selves
Gateway Talks
The state of enlightenment points to something far more ordinary than we might assume.
“As I see it, there is nothing complicated. Just be your ordinary selves in an ordinary life, wear your robes and eat your food and having nothing further to seek, peacefully pass your time. From everywhere you have come here; all of you eagerly seek the Buddha, the Dharma and deliverance; you seek escape from the Three Worlds. You foolish people, if you want to get out of the Three Worlds, where then can you go?”
The Zen Teaching of Rinzai tr. by Irmgard Schloegl
In this podcast:
• Some background on Rinzai and early Chan in the context of Chinese Buddhist development.
• Why do ‘I’ want to be famous?
• The cult of ‘more and more’, the disease of ‘I’.
• What are the Three Worlds and what is their significance?
• A wholehearted life v. escaping boredom.