Do you know Buddha from Mara?

To escape samsara we must first know the difference between Buddha and Mara. Because of the illusory nature of our world this is a difficult task indeed.

A man who has left home should know how to see clearly and calmly, should know Buddha from Mara, the true from the false, the worldly from the sacred. If he has got this knowledge, he can truly be called a leaver of home. If he does not know Buddha from Mara, then in effect he leaves one home only to enter another, and is what is called a karma-producing living being. He cannot yet be called a true leaver of home. For if Buddha and Mara happen to appear in one form, he could not differentiate them. Yet, as the gander king knows how to drink only the milk from the mixture of milk and water, so does the clear eye, (know how to differentiate). 

Followers of the Way, just beat up both Buddha and Mara. For if you love the sacred and hate the worldly, you go on floating and sinking in the ocean of birth and death. 

The Zen Teaching of Rinzai tr. Irmgard Schloegl


In this podcast:

What are the characteristics of delusion and delusive seeing?

What is the connection between suffering and delusion?

How truth can become toxic.

Karma and habitual thinking and seeing.


The virtue of generosity, charity or giving. Your donations are welcomed.

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