Buddhism Verses from the Dhammapada 272 Jan 13, 2021 Craving for a particular future can create anxiety and distress in the present. Jenny Hall explores this connection in the light of the teachings. The Story of Eno Daikan 3: The True Face of Elder Myo Jan 13, 2021 In this final part of Eno Daikan's story, having received the Buddha's robe and bowl, he flees the monastery only to be pursued and caught by the Elder Myo. It is at this point Eno delivers his famous Koan. Samantabhadra Dec 27, 2020 Bodhisattva Samantabhadra is known as Fugen in Japan and is the Bodhisattva of Praxis. He is known as the Bodhisattva of Compassion in Activity. The Story of Eno Daikan 2: The Heart has no stand Dec 23, 2020 The delusion of 'I', takes its stand by splitting the world into opposites. 'Me' or 'you', 'mind' or 'body', 'inside' or 'outside', 'relative truth' or 'absolute truth'. And perhaps most relevant, 'my opinion' or The Great Awakening! From Miraculous Birth to the Buddha's Enlightenment Dec 1, 2020 We take a look at the symbolic meaning of the three temptations of Mara which led to the Buddha's final awakening. Sitting Under the Bodhi Tree From Miraculous Birth to The Buddha's Enlightenment. Nov 24, 2020 Our story moves into its final act when the Great Bodhisattva, having now abandoned the ascetic life, makes his seat under the Tree of Awakening. It is a time of great challenges where the power of the Buddha-Heart can be realised. Retreat to the Forest & The Five Ascetics From miraculous birth to The Buddha's Enlightenment Nov 18, 2020 Having learned all he could from his spiritual teachers the Ascetic Gautama retreats to the forest. Here he realises the middle way which is not about relinquishing 'things' but the letting-go of attachment to things, a difference that the ascetic life can conflate. Verses from the Dhammapada 251 “There is no fire like hatred, no rushing like craving.” Nov 11, 2020 The Buddha taught the delusion of a separate self as the cause of human dissatisfaction. Being a delusion, and thus insubstantial, this lack gives rise to craving to fill the void. Hatred is 'my' attempt to protect myself from this truth. Just Look At The Place Where Your Own Feet Stand! Stories from the life of Zen Master Daiyu Myokyo Nov 10, 2020 Underneath our distractions is a desire to avoid an unpleasant truth, underneath that desire is fear! Plus: "The Heart rolls with the 10,000 things, this rolling is truly mysterious!" Two Teachers, Two Lineages From Miraculous Birth to the Buddha's Enlightenment Nov 5, 2020 The pre-training of the Great Bodhisattva is an important lesson for practitioners not to to just make up a personal practice. The Wisdom of tradition is the cumulative experience of those who go before us and helps make the training a more 'rounded' experience. Verses from the Dhammapada 131 He who injures or kills another who longs for happiness will not find it Oct 27, 2020 'Avoiding killing' is the 1st lay precept, mindfulness helps us in this by not turning a blind eye to ourselves and others. Understanding the life of even 'negative emotions' forms part of this precept too, as we can be too eager to 'get rid' of things 'I' don't like to be The Liberation of Having No Options Stories from the life of Zen Master Daiyu Myokyo Oct 27, 2020 A lack of freedom can be liberating when it comes to spiritual training. Previous Next 11 of 16 pages (There are 181 posts) Previous 1 2 ... 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Next Topics BUDDHA CH'AN DHARMA ASSORTMENTS DHARMA TALKS FUNDAMENTALS MAHAYANA SCRIPTURES STORIES RETOLD THE WAY OF DEVOTION ZEN Donate The virtue of generosity, charity or giving. Your donations are welcomed. Learn more Dharma Centre Our online community to complement The Zen Gateway online resource and magazine. Visit Dharma Centre