Martin Goodson
The Medicine Buddha Meditations
First Aid Meditations for Troubled Times
The Medicine Buddha Meditations are a series of short meditations that can be informally used to help centre ourselves in times of upset, anxiety or disturbance.

Yakushi - Medicine Buddha, Japan
Photo by Yakushi-ji Official Page
This series of meditations use the body and its functioning to let-go from the source of our mental pain, so that we can pull our minds and hearts together to create inner space regaining equilibrium when feeling overwhelmed.
Whole Body Breathing unites body, mind and posture and is designed to be used anywhere. It is advised to practice it a few times so that it becomes familiar and natural. This will help to remember to use it in times of difficulty.
1. Whole Body Breathing
Medicine Buddha Meditations: HUM
Medicine Buddha Meditations: HO
Sky Looking & Ground Penetrating
Whole Body Listening
Flowing with the River