Upcoming Dates for your Diary 28th February 2022
What's on this week in the Community
Tutorial, Zazen meditation and next course module

Swans, a symbol of peace in Vedanta
CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=548307
Welcome to the new week. Hope everyone had a good weekend although quite a few of us may be glued to our favourite news outlets as everyone speculates (wildly), on the invasion of Ukraine and what it may or may not mean particularly in Europe. As Buddhist practitioners, we know just how 'reality' gets distorted in times of high emotion and anxiety, so may the 'buyer beware' on social media. Dopamine and adrenaline are a powerful cocktail and can make ourselves (and others), feel anxious and depressed.
However, we can do our bit for world peace too, so for this week's Zazen meditation period we will be chanting the Dharani for removing disasters called the SHO-SI-SHU. I will put up the wording for this in the blog shortly. The merit of chanting this protective series of mantras will be turned over for the resolution of all conflicts. There is nothing quite like war on your own doorstep to remind us of all ongoing conflicts worldwide.
The timetable of events for this week are as follows:
Tuesday 1st March
1900hrs GMT: Tutorial for Module 1 of Living with Uncertainty: A Buddhist Primer. You will find the Zoom details to join in here. Bring your questions, comments and reflections along and I look forward to meeting you all. This session will not be recorded.
Thursday 3rd March
1900hrs GMT: Live-streamed Zazen meditation. The link to join in can be found on the Meditation page. The link becomes live on the day/time of the event.
Friday 4th March
Module 2 of our course, Living with Uncertainty: A Buddhist Primer will be posted up sometime on this day.