Upcoming Dates for Your Diary 21st February 2022
Live streamed Zazen meditation plus tutorial for Module 1
Live streamed Zazen meditation plus tutorial for Module 1
Live-streamed Zazen meditation for this week
As announced at the last live-streamed Zazen meditation session, this week's live-stream will be tomorrow (Tuesday 22nd), at 1900hrs GMT. This is because I will be travelling this Thursday to Gibraltar (alas rain is forecast for the duration. Is that karmic retribution for not keeping to regular Thursdays for the live-stream?)
Tutorial Q&A for Module 1: Living with Uncertainty: A Buddhist Primer
The first tutorial Q&A for Module 1 of the current course will be held on Zoom on Tuesday 1st March at 1900hrs GMT. This is an opportunity to say 'Hello' and I look forward to meeting some of you, plus a chance to ask any questions about the material. Hope you can make it.
This meeting will not be recorded.
The Zoom details are as follows:
Martin Goodson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Tutorial Q&A Meeting for Module 1
Time: Mar 1, 2022 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 838 0975 6426
Passcode: LwUModule0
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Meeting ID: 838 0975 6426
Passcode: 6426167065
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