Martin Goodson
The Gateway Interviews: Dr Sam van Schaik
Head of The Endangered Archive Programme at The British Library, London
We discuss Dr Schaik's new book Buddhist Magic and take in along the way, the history of the Dunhuang complex, its library and the prevalence of Zen in Tibet up to the late medieval period.
Sam van Schaik (2013)
By BabelStone - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, wikipedia.commons
Sam van Schaik is an English Tibetologist. He obtained a PhD in Tibetan Buddhist literature at the University of Manchester in 2000, with a dissertation on the translations of Dzogchen texts by Jigme Lingpa. Since 1999 he has worked at the British Library in London, and is currently a project manager for the International Dunhuang Project, specialising in the study of Tibetan Buddhist manuscripts from Dunhuang. He has also taught occasional courses at SOAS, University of London. (Wikipedia)
Welcome to this discussion about magic, Tibetan Zen, the Dunhuang cave complex and its library, colonial archaeology and manuscript preservation. Enjoy!
An Interview with Dr Sam van Schaik Head of The Endangered Archive Programme at The British Library.
The International Dunhuang Project: The Silk Road Online
The Endangered Archives Programme
early Tibet (Sam van Schaik's blog)
Buddhist Magic: Divination, Healing and Enchantment through the Ages available from Shambhala Publications
The Zen Gateway reviews of Sam's books: Tibetan Zen and Buddhist Magic
An extract from Buddhist Magic by Sam van Schaik
The Meanings of Meditation in Early Zen Buddhism by Dr Sam van Schaik
This lecture by Sam is preceded by a prize-giving talk. His presentation starts at 7:56.