practice Observance Exercises in Mindfulness Jul 23, 2021 Rather than praying for guidance, Zen Buddhism has its own method for producing similar results. On the Contemplation of Nature Exercise in Mindfulness Jul 12, 2021 In the past Nature was something to be feared, later to be controlled and now to be saved. In Japan and other eastern countries however, nature is something to come into alignment with. In this article Martin gives us a practical exercise for how to do just that. Tasting the Bittersweet Exercises in Mindfulness Jul 10, 2021 ‘Between a rock and a hard place’ is probably the last situation we would want to find ourselves in. In Buddhist practice however, this may be exactly where we need be. Greeting the Divinity in the Other Exercises in Mindfulness Jul 2, 2021 When we are overrun with the passions or if our mind has simply run away with us, the simple act of bowing can go a long way. Isn’t it Morbid to Think about one’s own Death? Exercises in Mindfulness Jun 29, 2021 While death may seem morbid, facing up to its inevitability can be skilful means for practice. How are Koans supposed to work? Jun 15, 2021 Zen Koans are infamous for their cutting dialogues and confusing narratives. In this article we examine the principles behind them, and how we can integrate this practice into our daily lives. The Six Paramitas: 6. Wisdom Exercises in mindfulness Jun 9, 2021 Prajna (wisdom) is the ‘informing information’ inherent in all things The Six Paramitas: 5. Meditation Exercises in mindfulness May 12, 2021 In meditation or dhyana, we find the application of all the previous paramitas. The Six Paramitas: 4. Devoted Energy Exercises in Mindfulness Apr 29, 2021 This powerful source of energy, that we often run away from, is the key to awakening in the Zen path. The Six Paramitas: 3. Patient Endurance Exercises in Mindfulness Mar 31, 2021 If we can 'sit' with our impulses, we might find that they leave of their own accord. The Six Paramitas: 2. Discipline Exercises in Mindfulness Mar 4, 2021 We examine what's really meant by discipline in Zen practice. The Six Paramitas: 1. Giving Exercise in Mindfulness Feb 11, 2021 The practice of giving isn't just for collecting merit. The giving away of 'myself' is fundamental to Zen training. Previous Next 4 of 6 pages (There are 69 posts) Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Topics EXERCISES IN MINDFULNESS GETTING STARTED POEMS SITTING MEDITATION (ZAZEN) STORIES TROUBLESHOOTING ZEN STUDY & PRACTICE Donate The virtue of generosity, charity or giving. Your donations are welcomed. Learn more Dharma Centre Our online community to complement The Zen Gateway online resource and magazine. Visit Dharma Centre