practice The Five Hindrances: 1 | Sense Desire Exercises in Mindfulness Feb 25, 2022 Sense desire is an integral part of our experience but our relationship to it causes us to suffer. Willing Flesh Exercises in Mindfulness Feb 18, 2022 The body is the tree of enlightenment! By recognising the role the body plays in all aspects of Zen training, the practice can truly blossom. Rejoicing In Other’s’ Merit Feb 12, 2022 Although all ‘intentional’ actions are karmic producing, meaning further rebirth, 'intentional' actions are in some sense necessary part for liberation from rebirth. Martin takes a closer look at this tricky concept. On Hearing the Dharma Practice Feb 2, 2022 Despite all the best intentions, making big changes to longtime habits can feel like a battle with ourselves. This ‘battle’ however, can bring us closer to understanding how Karma works in our day to day lives. Studying the Hidden Essence Exercises in Mindfulness Dec 26, 2021 In Zen practice, being able to respond in accordance with the circumstances we find ourselves in, is a highly prized skill. By learning to do this effectively, we come to understand our own hidden essence. Introduction to the Six Paramitas The Six Paramitas Dec 8, 2021 The six paramitas form the central practice of Mahayana Buddhism. Are Precepts Needed for a Mindfulness Practice Exercise in MIndfulness Oct 28, 2021 Has secular mindfulness missed a key ingredient by excluding ethics from its curriculum? Who Are You Really? Exercises in Mindfulness Oct 17, 2021 The masks we wear on day to day basis, allow us to participate in the many social interactions we find ourselves in. There may come a point, where I feel that I am no longer wearing a mask and am being my true self. However, can we ever be sure that this is not just another mask? The Constant Gardener Exercises in Mindfulness Oct 3, 2021 What do weeds, plants, Zen practice and the emotions, all have in common? The Lion’s Roar Exercises in Mindfulness Sep 24, 2021 The fierceness of the Zen Masters can leave us feeling uneasy, however what they are pointing us towards is the secret gift of Zen training, open to everyone. Ananda and the Untouchable Stories Retold Aug 20, 2021 Metta, sometimes translated as goodwill or loving kindness, is an essential aspect of the Buddha nature that reveals itself when ‘I’ am forgotten. Jumping at one’s own shadow! Stories Retold Aug 7, 2021 When the imagination becomes gripped by powerful emotions, we can find ourselves lost in fears and worries that may not be well founded. Previous Next 3 of 6 pages (There are 69 posts) Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Topics EXERCISES IN MINDFULNESS GETTING STARTED POEMS SITTING MEDITATION (ZAZEN) STORIES TROUBLESHOOTING ZEN STUDY & PRACTICE Donate The virtue of generosity, charity or giving. Your donations are welcomed. Learn more Dharma Centre Our online community to complement The Zen Gateway online resource and magazine. Visit Dharma Centre