practice The Seven-Part Worship of Shantideva Oct 9, 2022 The Bodhisattva vow is not just an ethical commitment; it is also a way to enlightenment. Here are some of the practices we can do to bring about this realisation. Tightening the Belt Exercises in Mindfulness Sep 25, 2022 Learn how to use the small, everyday things, to train a special kind of strength cultivated in Zen practice. What is Forest Bathing? Exercises in Mindfulness Sep 11, 2022 Relieve stress, reconnect with nature and also ‘The Way’ in this healing practice The Story of Sanakavasa | Part I Jul 17, 2022 What is the ‘great comfort’ that causes the remarkable transformation of the heart and how do we come to realise it? Cultivating being in the body and working with the emotional household Exercises in Mindfulness Jun 10, 2022 To create the mind-body connection we have to empty the heart, to empty the heart we need to fully come into the body. The Long & Short of It Exercises in Mindfulness May 16, 2022 If we get stuck between 'this' thing and 'that' thing, dukkha (suffering or dis-ease) will certainly arise. The Five Hindrances: 5 | Skeptical Doubt Exercises in Mindfulness May 7, 2022 'The Great Ball of Doubt’ is one of 3 great requirements of Zen, yet skeptical doubt is a hindrance to mindfulness and meditation. How can we differentiate between the two? The Five Hindrances: 4 | Worry and Flurry Exercises in Mindfulness Apr 17, 2022 By creating a subtle shift in awareness, we can begin to ease some of the worry and anxiety in our lives. The Five Hindrances: 3 | Sloth and Torpor Exercises in Mindfulness Apr 10, 2022 When apathy or laziness strikes, it can feel like our energy has suddenly been drained away. If however, we can become aware of the heart mind and its effects on the body, we may realise that this energy is still very much with us. Under the Bodhi Tree Exercises in Mindfulness Apr 3, 2022 How do we find the place inside ourselves which allows us to transcend suffering? The answer is much more straight forward than you may imagine. Sipping on Life Exercises in Mindfulness Mar 23, 2022 When Anxiety creeps in we may notice a kind of ‘hurry and flurry’, both in the mind and in our physical movements. We look at how this state unfolds and the opportunity it provides to reconnect to the eternal now. Walking Meditation Exercise in Mindfulness Mar 19, 2022 Through Kinhin we can learn to cultivate ‘stillness in motion’. We examine how to use the body effectively and how to incorporate the Hara into this practice. Previous Next 2 of 6 pages (There are 69 posts) Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Topics EXERCISES IN MINDFULNESS GETTING STARTED POEMS SITTING MEDITATION (ZAZEN) STORIES TROUBLESHOOTING ZEN STUDY & PRACTICE Donate The virtue of generosity, charity or giving. Your donations are welcomed. Learn more Dharma Centre Our online community to complement The Zen Gateway online resource and magazine. Visit Dharma Centre