Welcome to The Zen Gateway Community
Our 'local' online Dharma Group
Online meditation, Dharma courses, One-to-one with a teacher, Meet the others.

No. 6 Riding the Bull Home
By Tenshō Shūbun - Shokoku-ji Temple website, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2365645
A warm welcome to you all, whether you have been part of the community for a while or just decided to take the plunge.
Depending on when you are reading this, we have just launched our online community to complement The Zen Gateway online resource and magazine centre.
What will you find here? You will have already seen the homepage which offers:
Dharma courses
Live meditation sessions: Here is the link and dates/times for the next online live Zazen meditation session, as well as pre-recorded zazen meditation sessions if you want to go it alone.
Meet-the-others: For now we are using Telegram and have our own end-to-end-encrypted channel. You will need to download the Telegram app from Android or the Apple store. The link to join the channel you will find if you click through to the 'Forum'. If you are new to Telegram then you can click on the tutorial video on that page.
The Blog page: here you will find the latest announcements for the 'extras' that we are going to be offering. These extras include tutorials to supplement the Dharma courses, one-off workshops plus the chance to talk to a teacher about your Zen practice, meditation practice etc.
The aim of The Zen Gateway Community is to provide all those things you might get if you joined a local Dharma Centre or Buddhist Group in your area - support for your individual practice, friendship, a place to talk with like-minded folk and the study and practice of the Dharma to a more in-depth level.
If you have any questions please contact me at rinzai@thezengateway.com . You should also use this email address if you want to set up a Zoom call with a teacher. Please mark your email 'Interview request'.
Welcome to the community and I look forward to seeing you around!
May all beings be happy
May all attain Buddhahood!
Martin Goodson
Co-Founder, The Zen Gateway