Thursday, August 4th
- Dominic Kearne

News Round Up for w/e 4th August 2022

News & snippets from Zen Cyber-Space

The latest news and snippets from across Zen Cyber-Space


from featured article

Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki left survivors wrestling with spiritual questions – here's how Buddhists and Catholics responded

Ajahn Sumedho / Talks from Thailand / 40/43 - Consciousness This is a collection of 43 talks that where held by Ajahn Sumedho between 2008 and 2014 in Thailand. This and more talks can be found on

The rebel women defying a powerful all-male clergy to become Buddhist monks Tomorrow Achara is heading to a monastery to start a two-year journey to become a bhikkhuni – the ancient Indian term for a fully-ordained, female, Buddhist monk...

A glance on Buddhism in Afghanistan and its approaches for Peace and Non-Violence Buddhism is one of the world’s largest religions and originated thousands of years ago in India, which is founded on the teachings of Gautama Buddha...

After archaeological probe, HC says Tamil Nadu temple is Buddhist site | Chennai News What was believed to be and worshipped as a village deity, < ..