News Round Up for w/e 26th February 2023
News and Snippets from Zen Cyber-Space
This week from Zen Cyberspace, a free video game that takes players through a world inspired by the Tibetan Buddhist concept of bardo and why the terrifying deity Mahakala is actually a Bodhisattva of compassion.

from featured article
Museum of Fine Arts Houston showcases 'None Whatsoever' Zen art exhibit Museum of Fine Arts Houston showcases 'None Whatsoever' Zen art exhibit, with more than 130 works spanning centuries.
How Endings Make Room for Beginnings “When I recognize the pain I feel because of loss,” says Sylvia Boorstein, “I am respectful of its presence and kind to myself. And in the truth of what has ended, I see displays of what might be beginning.”
Explore the Bardos in Mandagon, a Buddhist-inspired Videogame The game’s designer, Tom Kitchen, hopes his meditative game will remove some of the stigma surrounding death.
A Tale of Wonder and Transformation: Tan Dun’s Buddha Passion London’s Royal Festival Hall hosted Chinese-born American composer and conductor Tan Dun on 22 January, who conducted the London Philharmonic Orchestra, the London Philharmonic Choir....
Buddhist Protector Black Mahakala's Miracles Documentary, and Mantra chanted by Yoko Dharma Why is Mahakala associated with miracles and protection in Tibetan Buddhism? What do crows, three men in black, black dogs, black horses and black wolves have to do with Black Mahakala? How can wrathful Black Mahakala be considered none other than Chenrezig, Avalokiteshvara, the Lord of Compassion?