News Round Up for w/e 16th October 2022
News & snippets from Zen Cyber-Space
The latest news and snippets from across Zen Cyber-Space

from featured article
“Buddhism Is What Science Should Be Doing” Robert Thurman discusses the Buddha’s scientific worldview and argues that it is less dogmatic than modern science.
Ultimately the Same The historical Christ and Buddha lived and taught thousands of years ago, but their ultimate nature is always present. Renowned theologian Matthew Fox looks at buddhanature and the Cosmic Christ and how we can find them within us.
4 Types of Toxic People to Avoid | Buddhism In English Mahamevnawa Bodhignana Monastery, Hewagama, Kaduwela, Sri Lanka.
The Science of Early Buddhism Michel Bitbol reviews Science and Philosophy in the Indian Buddhist Classics, conceived and introduced by His Holiness the Dalai Lama; edited by Thupten Jinpa. From the Spring 2018 issue of Buddahdharma: The Practitioner’s Quarterly.
Kelsang Gyatso obituary Tibetan monk who opposed the Dalai Lama’s openness to teachings from other Buddhist schools and founded the New Kadampa Tradition