News Round Up for w/e 14th May 2023
News and Snippets from Zen cyber-space
Diana Ruth remembers her experience of the mystical Kalachakra Initiation in Tibet, plus much more...

from featured article
Dunhuang murals: Gems of Buddhist art These gorgeous murals at the Mogao Caves are gems of Buddhist art. Painted onto the walls and ceilings of the cliff caves...
Vague? No. Ungraspable? Yes. According to Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel, the Heart Sutra, the best-known text of the Mahayana wisdom tradition, unfolds as a most unusual conversation that leads us to what lies beyond our concepts.
Kalachakra Initiation, by Diana St Ruth Pushing and shoving, I came to realize, is part of a Tibetan monk’s way of life, but there was nothing malicious about it...
7 Buddhist monks accused of embezzling more than $5.3 million donated to temple in Thailand Seven Buddhist monks are among nine suspects who are being held in pretrial detention after being arrested for allegedly embezzling $8.9 million from donations received by a temple in Thailand’s northeast.
White House extends warm wishes to Buddhists with third annual Vesak celebration On Friday, a third annual Vesak celebration was held at the White House honoring the birth, enlightenment, and death of the Buddha.