News Round Up: 17th December 2022
News and snippets from Zen cyber-space
Psychologist debunks 8 myths of mass scale Psychologist Todd Rose debunks 8 myths so mainstream we all believe them.
Sarnath International Nyingma Institute Poised to Complete First Khyentse Foundation, a nonprofit founded by the renowned Bhutanese lama, filmmaker, and author Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, has announced that a landmark project to compile a comprehensive ...
How I Got Comfortable with My Imperfections John Manderino stumbles through Zen meal practice — and decides that’s perfectly okay.
How Artist Make Buddhist Art Today The popular view holds that Buddhism rejects ritual, magic, and image worship, and is largely compatible with science. Yet this characterization is strikingly different from what the religion has historically meant to Asian Buddhists.
Psychedelic Insight Psychedelics and spirituality — including more than a few Buddhist concepts and practices — are reuniting with science after decades of estrangement. Jennifer Keishin Armstrong on this new frontier in the study of mind.

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