From Mahakasyapa to Maitreya
Forthcoming events
In which the new course for 2023 is announced
Vairochana Buddha - The Sun Buddha
By anonymous - Image: archive copy, Public Domain,
Thanks for your patience everybody! I'm delighted to announce that the introductory module for this year's course is now up and can be accessed via the 'Courses' section of the Dharma Centre.
This course will chart the development of Indian Mahayana Buddhism and the Chinese innovations and emergence of the Chan/Zen school. It builds on last year's 'A Buddhist Primer' course, so if you haven't done that one you might like to do so before embarking on this one.
This course, like last year's is geared for Buddhist practitioners rather than being purely academic. However, we will be drawing on scholarship to create context and understanding of the emerging Buddhist universe. After all, this is the universe in which our practice takes place.
I will also be announcing the date of our next tutorial shortly. These have been concentrating on daily life practice and provide an opportunity for members to talk about their own practice and air problems and questions they have with others in this group. As this course progresses any questions that arise from the course material can also be aired here too. Dates and times and the Zoom link will be announced on the group Telegram page.
The next live-streamed Zazen meditation is also tonight (Thursday 19th January) at 1900hrs GMT and you will find the link on the 'Meditation' page as usual.
That's it for now, hope you all are having a good week and hope to see you soon for Zazen and/or for the tutorial.