Forthcoming Events w/c 19th April 2022
Why despair might be meaningful?
An Easter egg from This Jungian Life

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This Jungian Life
That's another holiday weekend over!
As I'm sure everyone knows 'holiday' comes from holy-day which is probably why there are so many religious festivals back in the day, as it was pretty much the only time our ancestors got to lay down their tools for a few days!
If you are still in the mood for a little spiritual wisdom for this Spring/ Buddha's Birthday (8th April)/ Easter time then you could do worse than take a listen to this episode from This Jungian Life titled The Gethsemane Encounter. It's about the meaning of despair, the relativisation of the ego to the Self and features a fascinating modern example of someone who was affected by this Self which gave his ego a task to complete and its death to face before experiencing a renewal of Life.
As the blurb for the episode says...
" The Garden of Gethsemane is the place of life crisis; it permits no escape or compromise. There, we suffer the agony of choosing between personal will or willing submission to something greater. ... Yet, to surrender voluntarily and consciously is to bow to a greater truth and yield to a higher power. In doing so, we transcend despair, resentment, and victimhood–and may find ourselves transformed. Gethsemane is a universal human story. If we can keep vigil and stay awake, we can hear the voice within. And say yes."
This Jungian Life: The Gethsemane Encounter
As we are still officially still on holiday, a reminder that there will be no live-streamed Zazen meditation this Thursday 21st April. We resume sitting next week.
However! Module 4 of our course Living with Uncertainty is now live.
Have a great week!