Forthcoming Events for w/c 14th March 2022
Tutorial for Module 2 of Living with Uncertainty and our live-streamed zazen meditation
Skellig Michael, Co. Kerry Ireland
By Jerzy Strzelecki - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,
Welcome to a new week and a Happy St. Patrick's Day on 17th March for our Irish friends.
Celebrating St. Patrick's Day
This week we have our next tutorial for module 2 of our current course: Living with Uncertainty. If you've not already seen it jump over to the courses section. This module is on the Buddha's first sermon so we are discussing the Middle Way and the first two of the Four Noble Truths.
The tutorial will be on Zoom (details below), and will not be recorded. Hope you will be able to join us.
Tuesday 15th March
1900hrs GMT - Tutorial on module 2 of Living with Uncertainty
Join details as follows:
Martin Goodson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Tutorial on Module 2 of Living with Uncertainty
Time: Mar 15, 2022 07:00 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
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Meeting ID: 872 9564 0255
Passcode: 153407
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Thursday 17th March
1900hrs GMT - Live streamed Zazen Meditation (join from the Zazen room from the top navigation.)