Form: A Tutorial
Forthcoming events for w/c 5th September 2022

Japanese Calligraphy: Circle, Square, Triangle
Please find below the Zoom link for our live tutorial on Form in Zen practice.
'Form' has a number of definitions and we use two of them in Zen practice. The first has to do with the 'shape' of something, which includes deportment as well as behaviour. The second is as a verb 'forming' which has to do with the 'formative' process of becoming, an essential purpose of Zen practice in the transformation of the heart-energies.
This tutorial will consist of a presentation on the subject matter but most importantly will give Dharma Centre members an opportunity to ask questions and join the discussion on how to integrate this into Zen daily life practice.
Find the Zoom link below.
Thursday night live-streamed Zazen meditation
As usual our regular Zazen for members is this Thursday 8th September at 1900hrs BST. Find the link on the Meditation page.
Martin Goodson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Form: A Tutorial
Time: Sep 5, 2022 07:00 PM London
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