Magazine Epiphany: The Cult of the 3 Magi The Alchemy of Transformation Jan 6, 2021 The Feast of Epiphany in the Christian calendar celebrates the arrival of the 3 Kings to the nativity. The idea of the spiritual journey is also found in Buddhism, this article looks at some of the reasons why a person may undertake such a journey. William Blake and the Mind-made Worlds of Mahayana Buddhism The Alchemy of Transformation Dec 27, 2020 Parallels to the Yogacara teaching on 'Mind-only' or 'consciousness-only' as the basis of reality exist in the writings of William Blake as well as in some of the 'New Thought' movement; although directed to quite different ends. Images of Truth: Bodhisattva - Central Tibet 13th/early 14th century Nov 11, 2020 Tibet became a refuge for Tantric teachings once persecution took hold in India. Bodhisattvas came to represent the function of the Buddha nature in the world and devotional images began to be formed in this Himalayan kingdom. From Familiars to Zombies: The Horror of Bodily Invasion in Folklore and Films Oct 22, 2020 From the archive - The stronger the sense of a separate self, the greater the horror of bodily invasion. Series The Illustrated Jātakas or Stories of the Buddha's Former Births Illustrated by Roberta Mansell Oct 13, 2020 These stories tell the tales of how the Great Bodhisattva, who would one day become Shakyamuni Buddha, developed the virtues that would lead to his Complete and Perfect Enlightenment. An Illustrated Jātaka:Mahāmora-jātaka (part 1) The Tale of the Golden Peacock illustrated by Roberta Mansell Oct 13, 2020 These tales tell of the previous births of Shakyamuni Buddha and appear throughout the scriptures. They tell how the Great Being (Bodhisattva), developed the virtues which in turn led to his final re-birth and attainment of Complete and Perfect Enlightenment. Series The Zen Gateway Blog Dharma, Culture, Philosophy & Life-ways Sep 23, 2020 Here you will find blogs, curated videos and podcasts, books, musings and resources for new ways of living and relating in and through the world. Atlantis Aug 25, 2020 The myth of Atlantis, the city that sank beneath the waves, is a tale of pride before a fall. A civilisation that grew so strong that the gods feared them and destroyed the city overnight sending it to the bottom of the ocean that still bears its name. The Stoppered Vessel Jul 22, 2020 The transformation of energies from poison to medicine takes place using containment a magical process that is mirrored in the uses of the magic vessel. The Blindness of the Calculating Self Jul 22, 2020 A classic motif that appears across folkloric stories can help us discover a more open way of being. Spiritual Medicine Begins as Poison Jul 22, 2020 The restraint of behaviour whilst suffering out the energies of the passions in the body leads to a lasting change and old outmoded forms of behaviour are purged. Buddhism & Folklore | The Naive Heart Jul 22, 2020 We begin a series of articles looking at the transformative process of individual psychology through folk stories and look at how the motifs contained therein shed a light on those described by Buddhist practice formulae Previous Next 3 of 4 pages (There are 38 posts) Previous 1 2 3 4 Next Topics AUDIO COURSES BLOG BOOK BOOK EXTRACTS BOOK REVIEWS BOOKS BUDDHISM AND THE ARTS DAILY LIFE PRACTICE EXERCISES IN MINDFULNESS FILM REVIEWS FOLKLORE IN LIGHT OF ASIA INTERVIEWS NEWS PEOPLE PSYCHOLOGY REVIEWS STORIES Donate The virtue of generosity, charity or giving. Your donations are welcomed. Learn more Dharma Centre Our online community to complement The Zen Gateway online resource and magazine. Visit Dharma Centre