Magazine Attracting without Asking The Hidden Art of Spiritual Transformation Sep 3, 2022 If there is ‘no-one’ to realise enlightenment then who are we doing this practice for? The ancient Romans and Greeks may give us a clue. Mon Buddha Head, 7/8th Century, Burma/Myanmar Images of Truth Jun 4, 2022 Let go of the past, let go of the future, let go of the present, and cross over to the farther shore of existence. With mind wholly liberated, you shall come no more to birth and death. Avalokiteshvara Padmapani Images of Truth Mar 4, 2022 Padmapani means the one who holds the lotus, a symbol of emptiness, is a form of the great bodhisattva of compassion - Avalokitesvara. The Parinirvana of the Buddha Images of Truth Feb 18, 2022 Before the Buddha died he gave one last sermon. The 15th of February marks the passing of the Buddha into Parinirvana celebrated by as celebrated by the Zen school. Standing Buddha: Images of Truth Jan 6, 2022 In this extract from a Zen text from the Dun Huang caves, Master Nyuri explains the supernormal powers of The Buddha. Heian Buddha (11th Century) Images of Truth Nov 11, 2021 The Heian Period (794-1185) saw a number of schools of Buddhism developing in Japan - Tendai, Shingon and Pure Land. Zen arrived in Japan in the 12th Century at the end of this fruitful period. Bodhisattva (fragment) Gandhara 4th Century Images of Truth Nov 2, 2021 The Bodhisattvas vow to stay in this world of Samsara until every last sentient being is saved. While such ideals may seem distant from our own lives, at it’s core, the Bodhisattva vow has much to offer us in our own practice. Buddhist Theophany Images of Truth Jun 25, 2021 When the godhead or deity appears this is known as a theophany. Although the Buddha was a man, was it the Buddha or the man that incarnated all those years ago? PRAJNAPARAMITA Cambodia - 12th Century Images of Truth Jun 8, 2021 Prajnaparamita, the mother of the Buddhas, is a living embodiment of the Great Wisdom Sutras, which point the way to the nameless insight of the Buddha. 6th Century Gandharan Buddha Images of Truth May 14, 2021 One of the earliest iconographic depictions of the Buddha was Afghanistan, depicted in the Hellenic style of the Ancient Greeks. Portrait of a Lama: Tibet 15/16th Century Images of Truth Apr 22, 2021 This meditative Lama's portrait illustrates a wonderful story of a monk who is frightened by a giant spider that disturbs his meditation. His teacher devises a clever method to open his eyes to the true source of his fear. Maitreya Buddha: Thailand c. 8th century C.E Images of Truth Mar 30, 2021 On the border of Thailand and Cambodia, bodhisattvas rather than Buddhas seem to have been the focus of worship during the 7th-9th century CE. Previous Next 4 of 7 pages (There are 78 posts) Previous 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Topics AUDIO COURSES BLOG BOOK BOOK EXTRACTS BOOK REVIEWS BOOKS BUDDHISM AND THE ARTS DAILY LIFE PRACTICE EXERCISES IN MINDFULNESS FILM REVIEWS FOLKLORE IN LIGHT OF ASIA INTERVIEWS NEWS PEOPLE PSYCHOLOGY REVIEWS STORIES Donate The virtue of generosity, charity or giving. Your donations are welcomed. Learn more Dharma Centre Our online community to complement The Zen Gateway online resource and magazine. Visit Dharma Centre