The Illuminated Lotus Sutra Chapter 4 Extract 2
The parable of a lost son.

The illuminated Lotus Sutra Chapter 4 Extract 2
Roberta Mansell
On that occasion the Venerable Mahâ-Kâsyapa burst into song.
“1. We are stricken with wonder, amazement, and rapture at hearing a voice; it is the lovely voice,
the leader's voice, that so unexpectedly we hear to-day.
2. In a short moment we have acquired a great heap of precious jewels such as we were not thinking
of, nor requiring. All of us are astonished to hear it.
3. It is like(the history of) a young person who, seduced by foolish people, went away from his
father and wandered to another country far distant.
4.The father was sorry to perceive that his son had run away and in his sorrow roamed the country
in all directions during no less than fifty years.
5. In search of his son he came to some great city, where he built a house and dwelt, blessed with all
that can gratify the five senses.
6. He had plenty of bullion and gold, money and corn, conch shells, stones and coral; elephants,
horses, and footboys; cows, cattle, and sheep;
7. Interests, revenues, landed properties; male and female slaves and a great number of servants;
was highly honoured by thousands of kotis and a constant favourite of the king.
8.The citizens bow to him with joined hands, as well as the villagers in the rural districts; many
merchants come to him, (and) persons charged with numerous affairs.
9. In such way the man becomes wealthy, but he gets old, aged, advanced in years, and he passes
days and nights always sorrowful in mind on account of his son.
10.It is fifty years since that foolish son has run away. I have got plenty of wealth and the hour of
my death draws near.”
Text based on the translation of J H C Kern