News Round Up w/e 25th July 2021
News and snippets from Zen cyber-space

A statue of Shinran Shonin at the foundry in Japan where the bronze was cast
From Tricycle
Duality, Dharma, and the Brain Duality comes up often in Buddhism and the discourses of other Dharmic and wisdom traditions. This is probably because duality is intrinsic to the physiology...
Sport as Practice Four sports enthusiasts put their practice into play: Jaimal Yogis surfs, Liz Martin golfs, Laura Munson rides horses, and Melvin McLeod hits the slopes on skis.
Giant Buddhist statue gets Covid face mask in Japan A 57m (187ft) Buddhist statue dedicated to the Goddess of Mercy, Kannon, in central Japan has been draped with a giant face covering.
What to Do When Your Dharma Group Doesn’t Get Along What to do when spiritual friendships turn into spiritual feuds? Erric Solomon draws on management principles, dharma teachings, and personal experience to offer practical tips for dealing with conflict in dharma groups.
The Original Buddhist Rebel Shinran, the founder of Shin Buddhism, broke with Japanese tradition to start a religion of radical egalitarianism that opened the benefits of Buddhism to everyone.