News Round Up w/e 12 March 2021
News and snippets from Zen cyber-space

Illustrations by Carole Hénaff.
Will I ever enjoy meditation? - Lion's Roar Kate Lila Wheeler answers one of the most frequently asked questions about challenges on the spiritual path: Will meditation ever become enjoyable?
How to Practice Lucid Dreaming - Lion's Roar Andrew Holecek teaches us how to be awake when we’re asleep.
There Is No Hinayana - Lion's Roar In his new book, Superiority Conceit in Buddhist Traditions, Bhikkhu Analayo investigates some of the ways we as Buddhists have deluded ourselves about the “other”—from ongoing discrimination against women to the idea that Theravada practitioners have special access to the “pure” teachings. In this excerpt, he examines Mahayana bias against the so-called “Hinayana.”
India can be a hub for Buddhist Studies - Times of India ( The central government is keen to promote Buddhist Studies in India, and is preparing a comprehensive database of Indian Universities offering Buddhism courses
What Day is it? 4 Ways to Cope with Blursday - Mindful One day flows into the next in these pandemic days. Here's how to use mindfulness to find rhythm and routine.
Meditation for Eco-anxiety - Tricycle: The Buddhist Review A short practice for coping with our overwhelming fears of climate crisis