News Round Up for w/e 17th October 2021
News and snippets from Zen cyber-space

Photo by Luis Villasmil.
From article
The Myth of Multitasking We have the illusion that multitasking makes us more efficient, but it only makes us unhappy. Sharon Salzberg shares some tips for getting work done well without getting worked up.
5 Ways Meditation Enriched My Creative Career Artist and film director Ivan Cash shares five ways the practice of meditation has benefitted his life, creativity, and career.
6 Ways to Engage Kids and Teens in Mindful Walking Mindfulness teacher and author Chris Willard offers some out-of-the-box ways to introduce mindfulness to youth.
You’re Basically Good — The Benefits of Contemplative Psychotherapy Karen Kissel Wegela on therapy that starts with your basic sanity, not your neurose
The Beauty of Everyday Miracles Chris Willard shares his journey from being homeless to teaching awareness at Harvard Medical School.
Looking Into Laziness Rather than feeling discouraged by laziness, we could get to know laziness profoundly. This very moment of laziness becomes our personal teacher.