Martin Goodson
News Round Up for w/e 30th April 2022
News & snippets from Zen cyber-space
This week from Zen Cyber Space...

featured article
Alexander Gardner discusses his biography of Jamgon Kongtrul The Treasury of Live Director Alexander Gardner discusses his biography of Jamgon Kongtrul to be published in 2018, part of Shambhala Publications' Lives of the Masters biography series.
Why Chinese Buddhists, Taoists and Confucians get along yet the world’s Christians, Muslims and Jews cannot In a few days’ time, Muslims will celebrate Eid ul-Fitr to mark the end of Ramadan, the holy month in the Islamic calendar. Eid ul-Fitr is referred to..
Guardians of heritage Generally considered to represent the highest achievement of Tang Dynasty sculpture, Fengxian Temple was carved between 672 and 675...
The Carving of Tradition Shikō Munakata’s starkly stylized woodblock prints combine Japanese craft and Buddhist iconography.
Buddhist monk in Thailand found drunk and passed out while exposed inside temple on Thai New Year A Buddhist monk in Thailand drew criticism after local villagers found him drunkenly passed out and exposed in the local temple.